Friday, August 21, 2009

Love, Honor and Fornicate

So, last blog we chatted about cheating.    Seems the general consensus is that it’s BAD.  LOL

And I stated that I was kinda on the fence with the whole thing.  

First, take a gander at this I found.   Click it to find the site it came from.  Interesting info.  :

“History brings forth a conclusive evidence. The enforced should-be monogamy, no matter how much it is sanctioned legally or socially, or how righteous it is portrayed religiously, it was never originated from the Scriptures, and has never been set as the only standard for marriage by God. It originated from the pagan Romans.”

Well.  Imagine THAT.  

Monogamy had nothing to do with God. 

So whose idea was it to  put the fidelity in marriage? 

I know.  The Bible touts how sinful coveting another man’s wife is.  And some swear that there’s mention of gay sex being sinful too.

Yes, I believe in God.  And Yes, I am going go heaven.    But, come on?   You believe EVERYTHING in a book transcribed thousands of years ago and translated dozens of times over?

You ever play that game where you sit in a circle and one person starts a phrase and whispers it in the next person’s ear….and it travels round the circle.  By the time it gets back to the beginning it is nothing even close to what it started out as?

There ya go.

Yeah so, here’s my take on the monogamy thing.

I was brought up with the whole faithful for life theory.  And I actually believed it and lived it. 

Today, I still believe IN it, I just don’t think it’s reality anymore.   Times have changed.  Society has changed.  And people have too.

In MY perfect world, we would be married.  With all the strings and responsibilities.  But without the requirements of monogamy. 

Monogamy should not be a condition of, or promise  within  a marriage. 

If you look at any basic traditional wedding vows, they may include the word “faithful”.  But that word, in itself, is a tad broad, don’t ya think?.

Faithful to what and how?  To you with all my heart and soul?    Our commitment to share a life and living arrangements?  To our kids?  To provide for you and they financially and emotionally?  Tho richer or poorer, thru sickness or health?  

Where, in any wedding vows, does it state that we pledge to be faithful in body?

I’m not saying I condone the extra-marital relationships.  Just saying I don’t think it’s such a terrible, despicable thing anymore.

I know I’m not the only one that thinks or feels this way, but I’m probly in the minority.   And I’m sure my husband wouldn’t appreciate this point of view.  But, it’s mine and I’m entitled to it.  

OK.  Hit me with the comments.  I’m sure the girls are gonna cream me on this one !  LOL

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