Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Who The FUCK Do You Think You Are?!

First of all, since most of us run in the same circles here, I want to make it known that it is purely coincidence that my blog on this subject parallels Luke’s on the same subject.  I am nowhere NEAR the caliber of blogger that Luke is.  So, after reading mine, go check out his.   Luke’s is written much better  and on a more personal level.   But I hope, between  the two of us, we get our point across. 

I hesitated posting this after I read Luke’s.  I thought people would call me out on copying….ha ha  which I found hilarious…cuz who am I, really?   LOLOLOL  (Click anywhere in the first paragraph to go straight to Luke’s blog…trust me.  He Rocks…and he’s cute as hell !!)

So, here’s MY story.  Then go read Luke’s.


  • (n.) A willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire…

  • There is nothing I hate more than  simple ignorance.  A person’s unwillingness to attempt to  understand, what they obviously know nothing about, but feel completely qualified to judge.

    I was on the phone with a family member the other day.  I mentioned to her that I had made contact with a long lost family member (LLFM) that I had not talked to in over 20 years. 

    While snooping around on Facebook last week I ran across this LLFM.  And I friend requested her.  Her reply to my request was “Oh Thank God, FINALLY some FAMILY on here!”  

    I mentioned to my phone caller where I had found this LLFM and her response was that she had never had a Facebook account.

    I said that it was pretty cool.  I had found lots of classmates and old friends and it’s fun to see pics of their families now. 

    (My FB friends are ALL Real Life friends, except for a select 3 or 4.   I like to keep Facebook like that.  I have Myspace for my other cyber-naughtiness.)

    I asked her why she hadn’t checked it out yet?

    She said that “I don’t like putting pics of my kids on the internet for any crazy person to see.” 

    I kinda hesitated as I absorbed what she had just said.

    Then she added, “I don’t need some serial killer kidnapping my kids.”

    It was, honestly, all I could do to hold my temper without going the fuck off on this person!!! 


    Outside of lying to me, Ignorance is my ultimate Pet Peeve.  A Deal Breaker.

    It pisses me the FUCK OFF !!! 


    Obviously, this person has never taken the time to do any research into what FB is about, how it works in general, or let alone, the security areas one can apply to their profile, in order to  prevent  “Joe the Serial Killer” from kidnapping her kids.

    And where does it say in the Official Facebook Rules that you HAVE TO post pics of your kids, or your address? 

    For FUCK’S sake !!  Get a FUCKIN” CLUE !!

    Did I inform her of any of this information?  Nope.  Because it was all I could do to continue any conversation with her, at all.   

    This was 4 days ago and I am STILL seething.

    Why and HOW  is it that people feel they have the right to judge anything, or anyone, without the barest of information on which to base an opinion?  Blows my fuckin’ mind!

    Of course, not everyone has the time, nor the interest in such things as Myspace and Facebook.  They CAN be time consuming.   (K, LIFE consuming).  I understand that. 

    But it was the simple fact that she formed an opinion about something she knew absolutely nothing about.  

    (Imagine the opinion she would  formulate if she saw my profile here on Myspace?  OMG !!  ha ha   For you, WYSIWYG !  I am exactly what I portray myself to be….let’s just say my sisters and parents would NOT be impressed with my blogs.. LOL)

    Of course,  everyone IS entitled to their opinion.  But until you have a fuckin’  clue what you’re talking about, maybe you better keep your mouth shut?  You look like an fucking idiot.

    You see that this is really NOT about Facebook, don’t you?

    It infuriates me  when people judge something -or someone based on someone else’s opinion.

    Or so-called ‘facts’ they got off their friggen Froot Loops cereal box.

    But people do it.  Every day.  Over and over and over. 

    And they think it’s okay.  Cuz they don’t know any better.  Cuz THEY have all the facts.  Cuz THEY have all the answers. 

    And it’s obvious.  They ain’t got a fuckin’ clue what they’re talking about.


    Lika said...

    So some people are stupid. My mom went off on the Eurodance site because my ex hub sent the link to the song "Sex On The Phone" and w/o listening to it, she scrunches up her face, and drags out in a nasal sound that she thinks it's wrong to have a site like that because of "PHfffooooonnnne SSSssseeeeeex"! Well, needless to say, I DID go off on her for being stupid.

    Just tell her that she doesn't need to post any pics there. And if she still acts up, tell her she's stupid.

    Anonymous said...

    Its true. And I love what you said about wysiwyg, over here. I could never post 1/2 what I say over there. LOL ALthough I freaked a few FB folks out before I realized its G-rated, and now that I've hadded my daughter on FB I can't say jack shit. So I get my yayas out over here with frinds like you! :) Good blog! Don't have tLuke's now, Check u later!ime for

    Vicki said...

    LOLOL Facebook is def G Rated. But I like to shake things up a bit when I can !!! My kids won't do FBook. Too boring for them. And they are NOT my friends on Myspace !! Oh HELLL to the NO !! lololol