Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lost In The Real World

So it’s been an interesting past couple weeks. 

1.  Rog lost his Blackberry. Somewhere either in this house or in the yard.  Last seen around 7pm on a Sunday evening.   Monday morning it was nowhere to be seen.  I have torn my house apart and done the walk thru the yard 3 times.  

2.  As a result, Alexx got her birthday phone early.  Talk about a girl on a high !!  Thank God for unlimited texting.  I think she ranges in the 4-5000 a month now.   

3.   My kids leave in a week.  For those not with me last summer, I shipped my kids to my sister’s in North Dakota for 3 weeks last summer. 

We have never been ‘kid-less’ in 12 years.

Needless to say, we made up for lost time.  

Rog ended up with alcohol  poisoning, so we think.  After $3000 in doctors and catscans they never did find anything.  After a couple weeks it went away.  We’re chalkin’ it up to the booze. 

The sex?  Can’t remember most of it.   Just that there was alot of it.  My butt don’t hurt no more.

4.  I made it to my ‘3 months’ of not smoking.  I only slipped once.  And I paid for it.  Cigarette hangovers are WAY MORE shitty than a plain ole beer hangover.  It ain’t worth it.

5.  I turned 44 last week.  I’m okay with that.  I kinda like the double 4’s idea. 

6.  My BFF is too busy for me.  :(  I miss her.  But I understand.  She’s busy planning a wedding and working 2 jobs.     BUT, I will see her in July…..and we will be  attending her daughter’s bachelorette party…. um, no  further explanation needed.

7.  I shut down 2 emails this week.  I just couldn’t keep up anymore.  I can’t even keep up with Real Life let alone Myspace, Facebook, Blogger, Email, or IM.

8.  Is it just me or does time seem to stand still when on the rag?  That is the LONGEST week EVER !!!

9.  I went out with a girlfriend one day last week.  I NEVER do that anymore.  And I actually tried to come up with a reason NOT to….funny the ruts we can fall into.   But I went, and I had a blast !!!  Thanks, Holly !!

10.  This morning I read a  blog.  All of them.   Took me 3 hours.  She made me laugh and cry, at the same time.  Thanks If You’re Gonna for leading me to eL.

11,  I spent 2 hours last night reading Craigslist.  There are some REALLY weird people out there !!!   Check it out.  Go to craigslist.com and click on BEST OF.   Some of the shit people are willing to put out there….is fricken HILARIOUS !!!    I almost peed my pants a couple times, and I wasn’t even drinking !!! 

There’s husbands and wives up for sale or for free.  One guy is looking for someone to sit in naked in his bathtub of cooked pasta, which he will eat later when he gets home.  There’s people looking for the one-night-stands they had that they never got a name and number from.  Not to hook up again…..this one chick just wants her bra back !!  LOL   One guy is looking for a doormat to take his wife.  He’s throwing in the house, Beamer and golf clubs.  Will trade for a Harley.  If tank of Harley is full will throw in dog too.  LOL


Yup, so that’s my life lately.



*dramatic climatic music plays……*

……..My  sister just texted me:


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