Friday, June 26, 2009

I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar

I know Sex and the City is now passe.    The TV show was a hit, the movie must have sucked .   I ain’t seen it yet and I keep dropping it further down on my Blockbuster Online list.

I was up late last night, babysitting 3 pre-teens.  Not really babysitting, I just don’t sleep well when these nocturnal creatures roam my house, giggling, perusing my cupboards and fridge like raccoons on crack in an abandoned lake cabin. 

So, I channel surfed.  Once I escaped the news channels reporting on Farrah and Michael,  I was left with Scrubs, George Lopez, Golden Girls, Burn Notice and Sex and the City……on 2 channels.   I guess it was a hint.

I was never a devout fan of SATC but I did watch it randomly.   Never have been to NYC  but  wonder what life is like there.  Real Life…Let alone DATE  there!!  It’s scary in small towns now !!   How does one get laid in NYC  and LIVE to tell about it !

So anyway, on to  the purpose of this waste of time and space cuz-- I’m drinking alone and hubby is snoring on the couch as usual and I have no one to talk to but you.  Yeah.  I know.  DUH.

So I’m laying in bed last night, bored, wide awake, listening for the rustling and giggling of the pre-teen raccoons.  (TEE HEE   Giggling Raccoons)  Hubby is laying next to me…….snoring…….pillow over his head.  I gave him his sleeping pill just earlier.  (Like a good wife, damn straight !!)

I flip the channels and decide on one of the two SATCs.  I  don’t remember the episodes, I think one was Mr. Big had heart surgery and the other was meeting Aiden and she was gonna quit smoking.

Anyway, ….I want friends that close.   I want to have breakfasts together at some local diner and talk about our sex lives or lack of them.  I want Girls Night Out.  I want a group.   MY group.  MY girls.

Last night they sat around and watched gay porn !!  How fun !!!   (No really, I can get turned on by that!)

AnyHoo, so I started to think about what I liked about each one.  Any girl that watches the show has compared themselves to one of the characters and related……..and wished they were one of the other ones.    And sometimes, our choices change. 

So here’s my take…..cuz I have nothing else to talk about……….

Miranda…….I wish I was career oriented like her.  She’s too plain for me, but she did something with her education.  She’s financially independent.  So what I am NOT.

Carrie……She’s way too emotional but I love that she sticks to her independence.  I never have.  I always caved to the guys.   She had Mr. Big and Aiden..HOT.   I didn’t like her fashion sense but she had a cool  ‘single girl apartment’   And she smoked.   And she could write.  I wish I could do that.

Charlotte……….nothing in common with this chick.  WAY tooo pure !!!  UGH !!!  And she’s too money.  I guess I’m just not comfortable around money.  That might happen when you’re used to not having any.  …and she is just …can we say MISSIONARY?   And what did she ever see in that hairy backed dude?????   UGH !!!  

And then there is………


Tho she avoids emotional involvment…….that women is a COUGAR in all sense of the word.   I want to blow the UPS man in my office.  I want a model/actor boyfriend with six-pack abs that wants to fuck for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Tho she may be lost and lonely on the inside.   I want to BE that prowess.  (Not forever, mind you.  Eventually I WILL land the hot, rich, sexy love-me-for-who-I-am guy and I will be happy for the rest of my life!)  Just like Samantha secretly wants.

K, there’s my take on the girls.   Guys?     What personality do YOU perfer???? 

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