Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Is the year over YET???????

Alrighty, then. Been processing now--and getting paid for almost 3 months. And, Rog was right, it is pretty easy, getting easier every day. I've gotten over my terror of the telephone and I'm not afraid to simply state "Bear with me, I'm new at this and I may ask some really dumb, if not redundant questions..." but everyone has really been super ! I'll never forget the day Rog wanted me to call an underwriter and actually DISCUSS rates on a file. My eyes welled up with fear tears and I refused. I still don't have a good grasp of all that, but at least I understand the lingo to some extent. He keeps testing me (like I don't know he's doing it, ha ha) and I truely try to find some pocket in my brain to store this information, but it just keeps escaping me. Some day I will wake up and BINGO-AHA, THAT'S WHAT THAT'S ALL ABOUT----

On another note, Rog finally, after 2 years, received his papers to become a US citizen. December 9th he goes to a huge ceremony at the Orange County Convention Center to be sworn in as a citizen along with hundreds of other "aliens". Pretty psyched. The kids just can't wrap their brains around "daddy is an alien" idea-and I've tried to overpower their "alien" images of one-eyed green people with antennae. Anyway, I gotta find a sitter for that night cuz we goin' OUT !!

December is gonna be a blur. Got the citizenship on the 9th, Mom and Dad's anniversary on the 11th, Rog's birthday on the 18th, Kids out of school on the 19th, Christmas, Kids still out of school, and finally New Years. Inbetween all that we have to get the office moved into the new building.

YES ! We finally closed on that office condo unit. It's got some minor construction projects in the works yet, then Wendy will come in and do all her decorating, then we gotta move all our stuff in, AFTER we finally locate a couple of desks yet. THEN after all that, we have to have an open house/christmas party there. Which means, finding food, getting invites, etc.

Like I said: "Is the year over YET?????"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!! I am so very, very proud of you and Rog!! You are an amazing family, and I will miss you when I move to CA.
Processing is not that hard...just learn along the way and NEVER be afraid to ask an underwriter questions, they can be your best friends!!! May the New Year bring you and your family all you wish for, and may the business continue to grow and prosper!! Love you much, and thank you for always being my friend. PB