Tuesday, September 27, 2005

So, how's the job going?

Well, I've taken the test, and passed the test. I am now officially, a licensed mortgage broker. Hmmm, okay. Now what? Well, I've been working with Rog at the office now for 2 months. And, slowly things are sinking in. There is SO much to remember ! But, I know how to read a credit report, order and an appraisal, and believe it or not--I understand a rate sheet ! I know what "prime" means, and what "par" is. But, don't ask me to fill out a TIL. Too many numbers on that one ! Ha Ha And did you know that a loan might have "seasoning"? Yup, take my word for it !

Roger is hoping to close on his new office unit by mid October, with us moving in by end of October. We are all very anxious to get moved. I will have my very own desk! I can't wait !!! Nor can I wait to start actually making the bucks ! Course, I can't really complain right now. Rog does pay all my bills. I'm sure once I actually get my name on a few loans he'll be throwing those back at me ! Ah well, sure beats waiting tables !

Speaking of which !! I finally ventured to International Drive to visit my old friends at Tony Roma's. Haven't been there since the alleged "firing". The entire store has been remodeled. And I have to admit, it does look gorgeous. Rather than that harsh red checkered atmosphere, it now has a nice, soft, orangey glow. New tables, lighting, brickwork. Looks nice. Course, the staff hasn't changed. All the crazies are still there. And it was cool to see everyone, yet, so glad that I'm not "one of them".


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Anonymous said...

Like your page my friend.


Adam Hunter